
Showing posts from February, 2021

Fr. Daniel's Letter to his Parishioners

  Dear Parishioners, For the Second Sunday of Lent, we read in the Gospel about the Transfiguration of Jesus before Peter, James and John.   Here we have Jesus showing his closest apostles who he really is by revealing his glory to them.   A little piece of that glory is in each one of us, and our goal is to reveal that to others around us as well.    It seems that given the current climate in our culture right now, it is so much easier to reveal the negative, not so God-like side.   While all that is a part of our society right now, hopefully we can stand in the midst of it all, not be dragged into it but instead reveal God to each other. As you can see from the cover, Fr. Bob Vaillancourt will be coming to lead us in Taizé prayer.   For that day only, the 5:00 PM stations and the 5:30 PM Mass will be at the Basilica.   At 6:30 PM, we will begin prayer in the Taizé format.    Know that seating is limited to 105 and all the COVID pr...

Healing Prayer Service tonight!

  Join us tonight at Holy Family Church, 7PM for Fr. Michael's Healing Prayer Service!

Men's Lenten Retreat in Biddeford March 19-21

  All single, Catholic men over the age of 18 are invited to come together for a retreat weekend in Biddeford on March 19-21. The Men’s Lenten Retreat is for individuals who are striving to live out their faith and follow God’s will in their lives. The retreat, which will be held at the Marie Joseph Spiritual Center, will feature Masses, the opportunity for confession, adoration, presentations by local priests and seminarians, and time for prayer and reflection in a beautiful location. To register or for more information, visit . If you would like more information about discerning your vocation or would like to connect to others who are discerning, please contact Fr. Griesbach at .

Prince of Peace Virtual Stations of the Cross

  "You might recognize these Stations! Take some time to admire these beautiful depictions of the Stations of the Cross from the comfort of your own home as Father Patrick (and some POP parishioners) lead you through this holy Lenten prayer! Admire all of t he colors and styles as you follow along the Way of the Cross."

Lenten Inspiration for Families

  Lenten Inspiration for Families is provided through the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation. Click below to register.

Fr. Daniel's Letter to his Parishioners

Dear Parishioners,   Another Lent is upon us, and I have always loved this time of year.   YOU’VE GOT TO LOVE LENT!   Whenever I say that, people think that it is strange to love sacrificing.    However, it is much more than that.   It is usually a time to press the rest in the faith life, to focus on spirituality, to renew commitments made to God and to do a little extra for God.   Please take the time to look at the many things that are offered in our parish including going to daily Mass, praying the Stations of the Cross, taking on acts of charity, attending online classes and much more.   We tried to make a variety of experiences knowing that not everything appeals to all people.   If nothing appeals to you, it was not for lack of trying on the parish’s part.   One prayer experience we added is a Taizé prayer service with Fr. Bob at the Basilica for the First Friday in March.   Fr. Bob has done this in the past, and it has ...

Taize Prayer Service at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul

  First Friday, March 5, 2021 ~ Taize Prayer Service  with Fr. Bob Vaillancourt  at the  Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Visit our parish website to register to attend in person .

Lenten Daily Mass Schedule

  Daily Mass Schedule: 7:00 AM Monday through Friday at Holy Family, Lewiston 8:30 AM Monday through Friday at Holy Trinity, Lisbon Falls 5:30 PM Monday through Friday at Holy Family, Lewiston 8:30 AM Saturdays of Lent at Holy Family, Lewiston All Masses are live streamed to our parish website, Facebook and YouTube.  

New Executive Order on Religious Gatherings Brings Little Change for Maine Catholics

New Executive Order on Religious Gatherings Brings Little Change for Maine Catholics February 18, 2021 PORTLAND---Governor Janet Mills’ new executive order promising expanded gathering limits at Maine’s Catholic churches is not helpful to Maine Catholics who have diligently followed each of the protocols put in place regarding religious gatherings since the start of the pandemic. The executive order calls for five people per 1,000 square feet of space or up to 50 people, whichever is greater. Of Maine’s 141 Catholic churches, less than 10 will see an increase from the current capacity levels despite many worship spaces exceeding 20,000 square feet. “This ruling is unacceptable and does nothing to provide relief to our parishes and parishioners. Many Maine Catholics who were frustrated by the previous limits are now perplexed and upset. The governor must reconsider this and go to a percentage model,” said Bishop Robert Deeley. “Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and other states...

Prince of Peace Hour of Power

  Make a good start to Lent! Come encounter the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at the Hour of Power, this Friday, February 19 at 6:30 PM, at Holy Family Church (607 Sabattus St., Lewiston).  POP parishioner Janet Viere will share her experience of entering the desert of Lent in a witness talk.  Fr. Patrick Finn will then expose the Blessed Sacrament and offer a brief homily, which will lead to a time of sung praise and worship.  After this, there will be a time to listen to the Lord in a sustained time of silence, before we conclude the evening with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.  Sponsored by POP Youth Ministry & the POP-IHM ACTS Core

Fr. Daniel's Letter to his Parishioners

  Dear Parishioner, Lent is now upon us and it is usually a great time to renew the faith.   Of course, Ash Wednesday will be a bit different this year with the limited number of people who can attend Mass.   We thank the Bishop for allowing us to distribute ashes in the Holy Family Parking lot for those who could not get into Mass or who do not yet feel comfortable entering in Church.   Along with the five Masses we have in the parish, we will have three separate times during the day to come to the parking lot and receive the ashes to mark the beginning of the holy season of Lent.   Just because we are under the COVID restrictions, it does not mean that we cannot make it the best Lent ever.   The center of the bulletin has information on things that are happening in the parish. I would like to draw your attention to the explosion of Catholic resources on the internet, especially for Lent.   You can sign up to receive the daily Mass readings by ema...

Prince of Peace Parish ~ Ash Wednesday Schedule February 17th

  Prince of Peace Parish will be Dialing Up the Faith this Lent starting with our Ash Wednesday Masses as well as Distribution of Ashes at Holy Family Church Parking Lot! Be sure to stop by for your ashes!

An Introduction to the BOOK OF PSALMS as “Tools for Prayer”

  Join Sr. Marie May on Wednesday's during Lent to learn "tools for prayer" through the Book of Psalms.

National Marriage Week begins today, February 7th

  The observances of National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, February 14) are opportunities to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family .

Fr. Daniel's Letter to his Parishioners

  Dear Parishioners, February 11 is the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes.   It is also the World Day of Prayer for the Sick.   This becomes a great time to remind everyone about the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.   Included in this bulletin is information on the celebration of this Sacrament, the conditions for receiving the Sacrament and the reminder that it is not good to wait until the last minute to call the priest for someone who is dying.   With the fewer number of priests available in Lewiston, we cannot promise to be able to anoint someone at a specific time.   Therefore, it is important to remember that it is best to request a priest for the anointing before someone is “actively dying” or the morning of a surgery.   Celebrating the World Day of Prayer for the Sick reminds us of the call to care for those who are ill and to ask God to be present and close to those who are suffering.   Due to COVID-19 protocols, we will not have t...

Distribution of Holy Communion Outside of Mass

  Prince of Peace Parish is distributing Holy Communion after Mass to those people who are either not ready to return to Mass or are not comfortable with the registering of names and contact tracing instituted during the pandemic. This way, people can come to Church at the designated hours to say a prayer and receive Holy Communion and to stay connected to the Blessed Sacrament during the restrictions in place. Following all the protocols asked of essential activities, we will continue to keep everyone safe. These times are right after a morning Mass allowing you to live stream our Mass and then come to one of the Churches listed to receive Holy Communion.

Feast Day of St. Blaise

  February 3rd is the Feast Day of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. He is considered the patron saint of illnesses and diseases of the throat. The blessing of Saint Blaise is a sign of our faith in God’s protection and love for us and for the sick. "Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, Bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat and from every other illness. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." --Book of Blessings, Blessing for the Feast of St. Blaise