Fr. Daniel's Letter to his Parishioners

Dear Parishioners,

 Another Lent is upon us, and I have always loved this time of year.  YOU’VE GOT TO LOVE LENT!  Whenever I say that, people think that it is strange to love sacrificing.   However, it is much more than that.  It is usually a time to press the rest in the faith life, to focus on spirituality, to renew commitments made to God and to do a little extra for God.  Please take the time to look at the many things that are offered in our parish including going to daily Mass, praying the Stations of the Cross, taking on acts of charity, attending online classes and much more.  We tried to make a variety of experiences knowing that not everything appeals to all people.  If nothing appeals to you, it was not for lack of trying on the parish’s part. 

One prayer experience we added is a Taizé prayer service with Fr. Bob at the Basilica for the First Friday in March.  Fr. Bob has done this in the past, and it has touched a number of people.  We will move the 5:30 PM daily Mass along with the Stations of the Cross to the Basilica on that Friday only to allow 105 people to attend in person.  It will also be live streamed on our parish website, parish app, Facebook, and YouTube platforms.  It is a great time of quiet prayer together.

Many have asked if the Governor’s new rules affects us.  Unfortunately, it does not.  We remain at 50 people in the Church and in the overflow section for all the Churches except the Basilica.  The Basilica can now have 105 people based on the square footage of the building.  Let us pray that this ends soon, and we will be able to attend Mass freely.  I so look forward to seeing many of you whom I have not seen in a year now.  We miss you!!!  Have a great start to Lent.       

                                                                                                                                   Peace, Fr. Daniel


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