Fr. Daniel's Letter to his Parishioners


Dear Parishioner,

Lent is now upon us and it is usually a great time to renew the faith.  Of course, Ash Wednesday will be a bit different this year with the limited number of people who can attend Mass.  We thank the Bishop for allowing us to distribute ashes in the Holy Family Parking lot for those who could not get into Mass or who do not yet feel comfortable entering in Church.  Along with the five Masses we have in the parish, we will have three separate times during the day to come to the parking lot and receive the ashes to mark the beginning of the holy season of Lent.  Just because we are under the COVID restrictions, it does not mean that we cannot make it the best Lent ever.  The center of the bulletin has information on things that are happening in the parish.

I would like to draw your attention to the explosion of Catholic resources on the internet, especially for Lent.  You can sign up to receive the daily Mass readings by email from the Bishop’s Conference; you can read the bible in a year with Fr. Michael Schmitz; you can watch Masses all day long; you can receive information daily during Lent from Bishop Barron with Word on Fire or Matthew Kelley with Dynamic Catholic and the Best Lent Ever series.  I will put all these options on our website and parish app for you to easily access.  If you know of others that you would like me to share with parishioners, feel free to let me know.

This weekend is World Marriage Day.  It is a great time to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage as a vital part of the Catholic life and family.  Our faith teaches that the love between a husband and a wife is a sacramental sign of the bridegroom, Christ, and his love for his bride, the Church or us.  In the sacrificial love for each other, we see the sacrificial love of Christ for us.  This is why the Sacrament of the Eucharist or Mass is so very closely connected to the Sacrament of Marriage.  If you were not married in the Church or if you need an annulment to “regularize” your current marriage and bring it into the Church, this might be a great time to consider doing so.  I always make myself available to talk about the steps needed to have your marriage “blessed” or raised to the level of a sacrament. 

                                                                                               --- Fr. Daniel

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