Plant Sale to benefit the Basilica Casavant Organ Fund


Attention all plant lovers! To help raise money for our organ restoration fund, we will be hosting a festive, welcome-to-spring HOUSEPLANT SALE in the Basilica's front lobby on Sunday, April 11, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. (between the 8:30 & 10:30 masses). Featured will be a special collection of Bible-themed plants such as Angel Wing Begonias, Prayer Plants, Moses-in-the-Cradle and Christmas Cactus, as well as Swedish Ivy, German Ivy, Wandering Zebrina, Kalanchoe, Pothos, Arrowhead Plants and more. This event is being held in collaboration with the Maine Folque Co-op, a local grassroots non-profit whose youth music program will share in the proceeds.

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