Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Life Mary, Mother of all Life, help us to respect human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. -Mary, pray for us. Mary, Mother of Compassion, You showed us how valuable a single life can be; Help us to guard and protect the lives of all people entrusted to our care. -Mary, pray for us. Mary, Mother of the Child Jesus, with St. Joseph you formed the Holy Family. Guard and protect all families in this earthly life; R. Mary, Mother Most Holy, You sanctified the vocation of motherhood; Pour out your heavenly aid on all mothers and help them to be holy. -Mary, pray for us. Mary, Mother of Sorrows, Simeon’s prophecy foretold that a sword of suffering would pierce your heart; Bring comfort and hope to all mothers who suffer over their children. -Mary, pray for us. Mary, Full of Grace, You had a choice in responding to God’s call; Help us always to say “Yes” to the will of God in our lives, And strive always to do whatev...