Fr. Daniel's Letter to his Parishioners


Dear Parishioners,

We are now planning for the Lenten Season here in the parish.  This bulletin starts the promotion of the different activities and prayer events in person and online for this coming Lent.  As you can see, it starts with Ash Wednesday on February 17 and the Vatican has given some instructions on how to distribute ashes during a pandemic.  The call to refrain from contact will mean that instead of placing ashes with the sign of the cross on the forehead, we will sprinkle it on top of the head, which has precedent in the Bible and is how they do it in some parts of the world.  In 2 Samuel 13:19 it says “Tamar put ashes on her head and tore the long tunic in which she was clothed. Then, putting her hands to her head, she went away crying loudly.”  Moreover, the phrase, “you are dust and unto dust you will return will be said once at the beginning and not in front of each person.  Even though we will have masks on, it will reduce the amount of time near each other and close conversation.  You will also note that we will distribute ashes in the parking lot of Holy Family three different times on Ash Wednesday for those who cannot go to Church because of health issues but still want to mark the beginning of Lent with ashes.  This Ash Wednesday will be different but hopefully still very spiritual.

Pope Francis has made this the year of St. Joseph and so we are offering the Consecration to St. Joseph on his feast day, March 19.  In preparation, there is the 33 days of preparation modeled after the St. Louis de Montfort Consecration to Mary.  More information will be available in the bulletin and on the website.  Fr. John is also hosting a Cenacle prayer group on Mondays at 7:45 AM after the morning Mass and small faith sharing group at Holy Trinity on Wednesday nights.  Youth Ministry is starting up as well with going back to the basics of the faith.  As you can see, the parish is hoping to “Dial up the Faith” for those looking to renew their relationship with God.  We plan to continue ministry following all the safety guidelines from the diocese and the State of Maine to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Speaking of being safe and healthy, let us pray for our country.  ~  Fr. Daniel


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