Coats For Kids Project


With the conclusion of this year’s Coats for Kids project, the Holy Family Council 10019 membership, wish to thank all parishioners who donated coats, money or their time and labor. Your efforts contributed to make this project a great success. Over one hundred twenty five children and young teens are now just a bit warmer when they go outdoors to play. Back in September, the council sponsored a drive-thru spaghetti supper which raised over $2300. With your wonderful support, we were able to purchase one hundred twenty five coats. We then distributed, with the aid of the Dominican Sisters, Loaves & Fishes organization forty coats and hats. We brought another forty coats and hats to the Robert Connor Elementary School in Lewiston, the remaining forty five coats and hats were given to the St. Dominic Academy Key Club, for their distribution thru their Adopt Families for Christmas program. We want to especially thank the ladies that donated their time and talent by knitting very beautiful colorful hats and mittens of various sizes, which were given out with the coats. The kids loved them, their smiles told the story. Thank you, your rewards will be great in Heaven.


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