Fr. Daniel's Letter to the Parishioners


Dear Parishioners,

 As we approach the holy celebration of the Nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ, many of us will be experiencing it in a very different way.  Certainly, the crowds of people who come to the Sacred Mass will not happen this year due to the limited number allowed.  However, we are hoping that the reception of Holy Communion during the scheduled hours will help connect many people to Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament.  For those who are not comfortable staying for the period of time inside the building, we invite you to come with your whole family, say a prayer in the Church and prepare for Holy Communion, receive Communion and pray a prayer of Thanksgiving and return home.  This would only take a few minutes and you will have marked the Holy Night and Day with a Sacred Action.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the process as you consult the times and places where Holy Communion will be distributed.

Another option for attending Mass for Christmas is to go during the octave.  Many Catholic do not know this but the Church has always celebrated Christmas for eight days of Christmas, not just on December 25th.  We do this for Easter as well.  When you attend Mass on the 26th through January 1st, and somewhat for the Feast of the Holy Family, the celebrations are like Christmas Day.  That is because there is so much to celebrate, we could not just do it for one day!  So, if it is important that you go to Mass for Christmas and cannot go on Christmas day, you have seven more days to attend Christmas Mass.

Finally, I would like to thank God for all of you, our parishioners, this Christmas.  Your faith and dedication to Our Lord have been a great inspiration to me.  We will often comment in the rectory of how faith-filled this parish is.  Parishioners love Adoration, go to Confession, go to Mass, and love the Blessed Mother.  It is your faith that inspirers us priests to do more for you and to be better priests for you.  On behalf of the staff, I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

~Peace, Fr. Daniel


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