Fr. Daniel's Letter to the Parishioners

 Dear Parishioners,

I want to begin by thanking the Bishop for allowing us to distribute Holy Communion after Mass to those people who are either not ready to return to Mass or are not comfortable with the registering of names and contact tracing instituted during the pandemic.  This way, people can come to Church at the designated hours to say a prayer and receive Holy Communion and to stay connected to the Blessed Sacrament during the restrictions in place.  I believe that faith and expressions of it are essential for the spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing of Catholics. Following all the protocols asked of essential activities, we will continue to keep everyone safe.  Moreover, the length of time in the building and the sanitizing protocols we use would seem as safe as any grocery store visit.  Please check out the times on Sunday that Catholics are able to go to Church, pray and receive Communion.

You will notice that we have additions to the “Don’t Let Covid Steal Your Advent” page.  These include daily reflections that are sent to your inbox every day during Advent.  Bishop Barron and Dynamic Catholic are offering daily reflections on the readings of Advent to help us have the Best Advent Ever.  If you have not subscribed to these services, please consider doing so.  That way each day you can feed your mind and soul with spiritual thoughts with only a click and a minute of your time.  It really is a way to use technology in a pure and holy way that will draw us closer to Jesus.

Each Advent and Lent, the diocese holds “The Light is On for You” confession week.  This cannot happen this year with the protocols in place for hearing Confessions.  However, Christmas will still come and the state of our souls is still very important for the welcoming of Christ at Christmas (maybe even more so with the pandemic).  Therefore, we are continuing the daily Confessions at Holy Family.  We have an examination of conscience and a “How to go to Confession” sheet online and will be printed in next week’s bulletin.   If you have not gone to Confession in a long time, please consider going this year and make it a gift to your soul this Christmas. 

--  Peace, Fr. Daniel


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