Young Boy becoming will be Beatified this Saturday in Assisi


2020/10/10 - Alleluia! 

The beatification rite of Carlo Acutis will take place on Saturday, October 10, 2020, at 4:00pm in the Upper Basililca of San Francesco in Assisi. As announced by Monseñir Domenico Sorrentino, Arzobishop-Bishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, the beatification will be a moment of joy for all the people of God. The chosen date will be close to an important anniversary in Carlo`s life; his birth to Heaven October 12, 2006. We remind you that Pope Francis, on Friday, February 21, autorized the Congregation of the Saints to promulgate the decree concerning the Miracle attributed to the intercession of Carlo Acutis.
We praise the Lord in all his Angels and his Saints.
We thank the Lord because & eacute; has done wonders. 

Nicola Gori
Postulator of the cause of beatification and canonization.

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