Fr. Daniels Weekly Letter to his Parishioners
Dear Parishioners,
One of my goals here in the parish is to make the
Basilica a
wonderful place of devotion and prayer. It is already
an amazing
building but it is more valuable as a place to pray to
God! In the
basement, the Pieta was in the hall by the back exit door.
We had a very
generous person pay to move it upstairs and I would
like to put some
kneelers around it for private prayer. I think the
suffering of the
Blessed Mother is important for the spirituality of
many mothers
(and fathers) today given everything that is going on.
Please consider
taking some time in prayer to Jesus through the
suffering mother.
This was originally at the St. Patrick’s Chapel and so
we thank all our
parishioners from the former St. Patrick’s Church for
this beautiful devotion.
I hope to talk more about it in the future. I hope that
more of you have
downloaded the Parish App. I would like to add to it on
a regular basis
so that it becomes a complete resource for you right in
your hand.
I got the suggestion that I expand the Mass part to
include the prayers
from Mass so that people could use the app to pray
especially now that
we cannot have any missalettes at Mass. Also, I need to
work on it so
that you can submit your prayer intentions for the
parish as well as
review the requests so that it is very easy for us to
pray for each other.
Stay tuned for more to come and feel free to give me
any suggestions. If I
can make it happen, I will! Finally, we are seriously
talking about having
parking lot Masses (WITH COMMUNION) in September. My
heart goes
out to the people who have not received Holy Communion
since last
February. This will not change the Mass schedule here
because we can fit
it in given the current schedule. Therefore, all those
who are going to church
can continue and with opening up the hall for an additional
50, everyone
who wants to go to church seems to have a space.
However, we have to tend
to the souls who cannot yet get to Mass but would be
willing to remain in
their cars. Peter Geiger has offered his parking lot
again so now we are working
hard to see if we can make it happen. Stay tuned! Take
care my friends,
stay safe and pray that in God’s time this will all be
~ Fr. Daniel