
Showing posts from September, 2020

Prince of Peace Parish ~ Blessing of the Animals

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS! Animal lovers are invited to have their animal companions blessed outdoors in celebration of Saint Francis of Assisi’s Feast Day (October 4). All pets are welcome to attend 0n Sunday, October 4 th at 4:00 PM at the Basilica on the front lawn. As prayers are offered, the pets will be gently sprinkled with holy water. Please be sure your pets are properly secured.  Saint Francis of Assisi was known for his love of all of God’s creatures. The Blessing of the Animals remembers Francis’ love by invoking God’s blessing on the animals and thanking God for letting us share the earth. The blessing also recognizes the important place that pets hold in people’s hearts and families.  

7:00 AM Daily Mass Moving to Holy Family Church

  Daily Mass 7:00 AM The heating season is upon us and normally we would move to the Chapel of the Basilica. However, with social distancing in effect, we can only have 35 people. We are moving to Holy Family next Monday, September 28 th , to accommodate the 50 people or so who attend daily Mass.

Don't Forget to Register Today!

  DON'T FORGET: Today is the last day to register for Masses for this weekend: September 26/27, 2020!!!

October Mass Reservations Are Now Open!!!

  OCTOBER MASS RESERVATIONS ARE NOW OPEN!!!! Click here to register:

Prince of Peace Parish Parking Lot Adoration

  Come join your fellow parishioners and spend an hour with Our Lord every Sunday evening. This will take place at Holy Family Church parking lot immediately after the 5:00 PM Mass. Everyone is welcome!

Prince of Peace Youth Ministry Program

Prince of Peace Youth Ministry program seeks to help youth know, love, and serve God in their everyday lives. The more they do this, the more they will flourish as human beings. Be sure to check out the Youth Ministry Page and get your child signed up. Online resources are available on our website and gatherings will be starting very soon!!!

Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Supper Coats For Kids


The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

  September 14 th , is the feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Today is the anniversary of the finding of the relic of the cross by St. Helena, Mother of Constantine, the first Christian Emperor of Rome, in 326 as well as the dedication in 335 of the Basilica and shrine built on Calvary by Constantine, which marks the site of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As we recollect and pray today we realize how grateful we are to celebrate this feast day which commemorates the saving grace within the Crucifixion and death of Jesus, and his Resurrection three days later. May we all take a moment today to thank God for the many blessings he has bestowed upon us.

Fr. Dan’s Letter to the Parishioners

Dear Parishioners, I have to admit that I am suffering from Covid-19 fatigue. I know that it is not the time to let our guard down, but I do hope that this is over soon. In the meantime, the other priests and I are looking to see what we can do to keep people connected to the parish and their faith while making sure that we follow all the CDC protocols to keep everyone safe. Now that the weather is cooperating, we wanted to start up the parking lot adoration on Sundays. Fr. John will also lead the Rosary on Saturday mornings and celebrate Mass with groups of people on Wednesday evenings. It will be important to reignite the faith once things are getting back to normal. One thing that has been a blessing for me is to be in the house with Fr. Patrick, Fr. Michael, Fr. John and Fr. Samy. I have really been blessed to be with four other priests who are deeply spiritual and inspiring. I hope that it really shows in our ministry among you. The 9:00 PM night prayer each night has been a wonde...

Prince of Peace Loves Our Blessed Mother

  Prince of Peace Loves Our Blessed Mother... Prince of Peace will be gathering to recite the rosary as a devotion to our Blessed Mother on Saturday mornings at 9:00 AM at Holy Family Church beginning on Saturday, September 12th. Registration is required and we will be following all covid protocols. Please click here to register.

Happy Birthday Mother Mary!

  Happy Birthday Mother Mary! Today, September 8th, we celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! This feast day is commemorated nine months after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. May we celebrate Mary today and her willingness to serve God.

2020 Christmas Card Contest in the Diocese of Portland

  Below, you will find a link that includes the rules and a submission form for the 2020 Christmas Card Contest in the Diocese of Portland. All submissions must be turned in by Friday, October 16. For more information, contact Dave DiNapoli, director, at (207) 773-6471.   Link:    


  Father Daniel Greenleaf is pastor at Prince of Peace Parish in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland , and Sheila Foley encountered Father’s parish Masses and other resources online during the pandemic. “The creativity that came forth was inspiring and hopeful. No matter what happens, they will help us find God's will in everything. It is good to be Catholic.” Read the #HeroPriests submission by Sheila Foley:

Lectio Divina Sessions at Our Lady of the Rosary Church

  UPCOMING LECTIO DIVINA SESSIONS All are welcome to experience the gentle voice from our LORD through the ancient art known as Lectio Divina.  Our sessions will be held on Thursday evenings beginning September 3, @ 6:30PM through March 25, 2021. These will be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel, High Street, Sabattus. For Further information please call Ivan @ 207-333-8798 or email